Monday, September 4, 2017

Portugal is incredible!

I have about -2 seconds to do anything this week! AHH!!

I heard about the huge hurricane in Texas, I hope y'all are all okay and safe!!

There is a place here that is called “Clinica do Dente”. Every time I see that place I always think of "Beautiful nail. juuuust one. Do I get to pick which one?" But then again, the people here in Portugal only have one tooth so it makes sense...

We offered to help these two ladies from Guinea with their bags and when we got to their house, we gave them a pass along card and one lady offered to make us African dresses!!! YAYYYYY!!!! They're so nice!

There are so many nasty guys here that whistle at us and blow kisses. It's so gross. They're harmless, it's just really nasty.

I pet a bull dog yesterday!!!!!!!!! There was a woman walking her dog and it got so excited when it saw us to it came running to us. It was so fat that it couldn't jump up, but it was running in circles because of how excited he was! It was adorable!!!

I will just explain the pictures and I promise a better email next week!

The first one, I thought was absolutely hilarious!! In Portugal, we don't have dryers, so we hang dry everything. All the apartments have lines where you hang your clothes. Sister Truman and I were walking around our neighborhood and we saw this lady hanging up her sausages! I thought it was extremely hilarious, so I had to take a picture!
We were teaching a woman whose name is Atanasia and she is incredible! She is going though many hard things in life right now and after we said a prayer with her, she started balling and said that it was exactly what she needed. It was so touching! We finished our lesson with her and she asked if we wanted Jaca. We had no idea what it was, but we said yes. Turns out it is a really huge and ugly looking fruit. She cut it and let us try it and holy moly! IT's delicious!!! I loved it! Never judge a fruit by its cover.
There was also a random guy playing the accordion out in the street, not well at all. I wanted to take a video, but they kept staring at us, so I thought against it.

I love you all and I hope you all have an amazing week!
Sister Restrepo
Divição em Cascais


We celebrated Sister Ramirez's B-Day

Some Random Pics



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