Monday, September 18, 2017

Nos Somos Portugal!!! We Are Portugal!!

Hello everyone!!! 
Once again, I am terrible at time management and have very little time!

The weather here is bipolar. The afternoons are really hot, but the mornings and nights are very very cold, so Sister Truman and I walk outside and are with tights and jackets and are sweating by 1pm, then freezing again at night. We also don't have AC or heating system, so we layer up lots to sleep. I love it! The cold weather is the best!! Also, I think the Lisbon area rivals Chicago as far as wind goes. 

Here are some picture though! I am loving Portugal and the people here more and more everyday! I am realizing that the teachings of Jesus Christ truly bring happiness and peace into the lives of people, and there is no greater joy than seeing that change. 
We had exchanges again and I was with Sister Ramirez in Mem Martins. It was so great to see her and spend that time with her again! 

There was a painting of Cristiano Ronaldo, so of course, I needed to take a picture with it!
WE WENT TO IKEA!!! It was so so nice to be in IKEA today! It may not seem like a big deal, but it was basically a dream come true. 

Here some other random pics...

I love you all so very much! 
Sister Restrepo

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea,

    I am going to Lisbon next week, please could you tell me where the photo was taken with the Christiano Ronaldo mural?

