Monday, September 25, 2017

Change is good!

Olá familia e amigos!!
We found out about transfers last night. Sister Truman is staying in Cacém and I am going to a city called Loulé (Luhlay). It is about 4 hours away from where I am right now and it is basically as south as you can get in Portugal. I was extremely sad to know that I would not be with the people here in Cacém anymore, because I truly love the people here. I know I am needed elsewhere and I am going to learn so much! I am also going to be really close to my friend from the MTC, Sister McArthur! There is also an IKEA in Loulé ;) 

We had a guy tell us, in English, that he was going to marry us. The guys here love talking to us in the limited English that they know because they think they will impress us. They also call us Elders all the time. It's really funny! Someone also threw a water balloon at us as we were walking home. Thankully it only hit our feet.

It was the last week on the transfer and we saw so many miracles and met so many new people! We found a family of 3 that is absolutely incredible! They showed us their whole photo album, said we could come back anytime, and asked if we wanted to stay for dinner. They are so amazing! I love the people here with all my heart!! 

I love you all and think about and pray for y'all all the time! You are all incredible and have influenced my life for the better. Thank you for being such a great support system. Never forget that your Father in Heaven loves you very much and knows exactly what is happening in your life. Put your trust in Him and He will get you through anything!
Have an amazing week! 

Sister Restrepo

"confia" = Trust
A candid of our district. It's basically how we are all the time.
It also includes our ward mission leader.

The nice version
I saw Sister Stubbs! My companion from the MTC,
 and it was wonderful! I love her!!

All mighty Portuguese Ice Cream!!!

Random Pics

If you come to my house with God in your heart,
come in, sit down at the table and eat from my bread 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Nos Somos Portugal!!! We Are Portugal!!

Hello everyone!!! 
Once again, I am terrible at time management and have very little time!

The weather here is bipolar. The afternoons are really hot, but the mornings and nights are very very cold, so Sister Truman and I walk outside and are with tights and jackets and are sweating by 1pm, then freezing again at night. We also don't have AC or heating system, so we layer up lots to sleep. I love it! The cold weather is the best!! Also, I think the Lisbon area rivals Chicago as far as wind goes. 

Here are some picture though! I am loving Portugal and the people here more and more everyday! I am realizing that the teachings of Jesus Christ truly bring happiness and peace into the lives of people, and there is no greater joy than seeing that change. 
We had exchanges again and I was with Sister Ramirez in Mem Martins. It was so great to see her and spend that time with her again! 

There was a painting of Cristiano Ronaldo, so of course, I needed to take a picture with it!
WE WENT TO IKEA!!! It was so so nice to be in IKEA today! It may not seem like a big deal, but it was basically a dream come true. 

Here some other random pics...

I love you all so very much! 
Sister Restrepo

Monday, September 11, 2017

Kittens, Baptism, and BBQ sauce!

Olá familia e amigos!!! 

This week has been absolutely incredible!!! 

We went to go visit Auta, and they have taken in 2 kittens! I really cannot stand cats, but kittens are absolutely adorable! We shared a small message with her and her family and she truly loved what we shared. I absolutely love that family and talking to them! They are extremely humble and always willing to talk with us.
A sister surprised me by giving me some BBQ sauce!! I am beyond stoked! I love that stuff! I spent Wednesday in a city called Amadora with Sister Dias and I was able to see an investigator that we had here in Cacém! He has been saying that he wants to get baptized in December and the sisters there have been trying to work with him to move the date to this month. We talked to him and his heart is softening and is more willing to move the date. I really hope that he does because the blessings that come from baptism should not be something that is put on hold. He is an incredible person! It was so nice to see him again! 

ANTONIO GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!! This man is absolutlely amazing! He walks an hour to get the church and has loved everything we have shared with him! He has so much faith! I was extremely proud of him and I know for sure that Heavenly Father was proud of him. I have seen how much he has changed and how much happier he has been since talking to us. I truly love him! 

We went to stop by and talk to these young women whose names are Tatyana, Patricia, and Lara. They said we couldn't talk to them at that moment, but that they want to be baptized! How crazy!! They are amazing young women with incredible faith!!

I absolutely love being here and meeting these people! I love seeing how this gospel is changing the lives of the people here! I love you all very much! Have an amazing week! 

Sister Restrepo 
Today, we went to visit a city called Belém