Monday, August 7, 2017

Hello everyone!!!

This week has been crazy!!!

We had to stay in one day this week because my companion was not feeling well, but I was able to read a lot of talks by the apostles of the church! They were exactly the words that I needed at that moment.

We went on exchanges this week and it was really fun! Sister Truman went to a city called Mem Martins with Sister Gubler, and Sister Ramirez came to Cacém with me! We were in the MTC together and we still don't know what we are doing, so it was definitely an experience! We knocked many doors and no one was home and I felt like we should really stop by someone's house that we had tried at least 10 times before. We got there and he was home! We talked with him outside his door and made an appointment to come back another day! It was a miracle! He is such a cool guy!

Yesterday, we had dinner with a member and we had to catch a train home at 9:33. The trains don't come as frequently on the weekends, so we needed to catch this train. We ended up getting out later than planned, so we RAN to the station. If y'all know me, I don't run. Well, I had to run this time, and let me tell you, I know that I had some divine help, because there is no way that I could have ran for 15 straight minutes without some form of help. We got to the station and when we hit the top step, the train pulled in. My body finally caught up with the feelings of running 15 minutes and I felt like throwing up. I didn't but I felt absolutely awful. I should really take exercise time more seriously!

This mission is not easy at all, but we are finding some people that really want to know more about what we believe. I am also learning a whole lot and growing so much. My testimony of the gospel is a lot stronger than what it was when I left home. I really want to be here!

I am really scared because I am forgetting all my Spanish. My whole mind is working in Portuguese and my Spanish is becoming impossible.

I'm also addicted to the ice cream here. It's absolutely amazing.

I want you all to know that I have a strong testimony on the atonement of Jesus Christ. No matter what you have done in your life, no matter what kinds of bad choices you have made, Jesus Christ is there to welcome you with open arms back to Him. There is no need to feel a weight on your shoulders, when you can be forgiven and start again. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you all with everything they have. You are all God's children. We are here on this Earth to grow and become better. You are all precious and worth so so much! I love you all very much!

I hope you all have an amazing week! 

I left my camera at home, so these are pictures off of Sister Truman's camera. whoops.

I'm not sure if i already shared this picture, 
but Sister Truman and I made ice cream sandwiches 
and they were amazing!

This is from the Palace we visited in Sintra! It is so gorgeous!

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