Monday, July 31, 2017

Who thought Cobblestone was a good idea?

Hola friends and family!!!!

I hit my two month mark on my mission! It has definitely seemed like I have been on my mission for an eternity, but also that I just got here.

Who came up with cobblestone?! It was probably the worst idea. It gets slippery when it's wet, I imagine it takes forever and a half to put down, Sister Truman and I keep tripping because it is all uneven, and the little stones come out all the time...... what a waste of time..... I look like a weirdo that can't walk on sidewalk. Oh well.

We have been teaching this guy Isaias who has been such an amazing example to us! He has so much faith and has been learning a lot from us. He moved houses, so he is no longer in our area, so Friday was our last lesson with him and I cried. A lot. He is such an amazing person, and it is definitely hard to hand him to the other missionaries in Amadora. Every time we get transferred, it is going to be really rough.

Claudia Coelho is the relief society president, and that whole family is absolutely perfect!!!! I love them so much! She invited us for dinner and made a lasagna that was absolutely delicious, so I asked for the recipe! (Don't worry mommy, yours is still much better). We get lunch and dinners here pretty frequently. When we get lunch and dinner on one day, we feel like throwing up because of how full we are. The people here have big lunches and then eat really late at night. The kids here also stay up really late.

There is a bakery/pasteleria on every single corner and they all smell like heaven!! The bread is SO AMAZING EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!

I really really don't like stopping people on the sidewalk to see if they would like to hear more about our church, but Sister Truman bribed me. She told me that if I could get someone's information, then we could go to McDonald's to get ice cream. This day was as hot as could possibly be, I love ice cream, and the ice cream here is easily 10 times better than in the U.S, so of course that bribe worked. I went out and contacted every single person I possibly could and no one said yes. When it was the last second, I contacted two men at a bus stop and was able to get their information as they entered the bus. Ice cream never tasted so good. I have been a little better at contacting since then! Also, The McDonalds are high tech here. You order on some screen thing and they have more desserts here!  I ate a caramel sundae today and I am convinced that the caramel was real arequipe / dulce de leche.

We visit this 80 something year old woman named Amelia and she is easily my favorite person to visit. She shows us soooo many things in her house and everything has a story. We try to share our message with her, but she starts talking to her cat and she is hilarious!! I love her so much. Our messages with her are really short because she moves on to talk about the flowers she picked that day or what happened when she was like 5. She is amazing!

Some more facts about Portugal

The two most popular cars here are Citroen and Peugeot

There are people that are randomly on horses, but those are usually the gypsies, and we don't really talk to them.

Now I know what Fogo de Chão means!!!! Fire of the floor. It makes absolutely no sense, but there it is!

I absolutely love a drink from Brazil called Guaraná

I love you all so much!!! Never forget that you are all children of God and that He loves you with his whole heart. Never forget your worth!

Have an amazing week,

Sister Restrepo
We went to a house and they gave us goodie bags after dinner

We found a blockbuster!!!!
It is of course out of business, but it was still a beautiful sight!
A beautiful city named Belas that we think is in our area,
but takes forever and a half to walk there

The outside of our apartment.
Ours is the one with the bed sheet over the window,
that room is our living room 

Claudia Coelho's son! He made that sign for us!! SOOO ADORABLE!!!!

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