Monday, June 19, 2017

Otra semana em O CTM!

Happy Father's day to all the fathers out there! I hope y'all had an amazing day! I love you daddy! 

These weeks are getting shorter and shorter and it is freaking me out! I have 2 weeks left here at the MTC and then I will be in Portugal!! AHHHHHH! It's is super crazy! 

Monday: Every Monday we get food catered here and we got Taco bell today! It was pretty good! Julia once again did not pray and doesn't seem receptive to praying either. We will definitely keep trying because we love her so dang much! 

Tuesday: We had a devotional today by Elder and Sister Nielson. Sister Nielson was so relatable when she spoke because she spoke about how she really struggled when her husband got called as a general authority. She would have to give talks about every week and it would just terrify her. She learned to completely trust and rely on the Lord and she felt so much better and much more confident. Elder Nielson spoke about how Heavenly Father KNOWS His missionaries and is mindful of them. That gives me so much peace and comfort to know. I will be okay and Heavenly Father is going to take care of me! 

Wednesday: Every Wednesday, a new wave of missionaries comes to the MTC and we were not scheduled to host them, but surprise! We hosted! We had study time planned but that all flew out the window when we were told we needed to host. We were also told that there were 500 missionaries coming in so it was all hands on deck. I ended up hosting 2 sisters who were so dang cute, and half an elder. Sisters aren't allowed to take Elders up to their residence, obviously, so I had to find another Elder to take over and luckily I did! I love getting to know the new missionaries! I ended up being 30 minutes late to class, but I wasn't the last one in, so no worries! 

Thursday: Since we got 500 new missionaries, the lines are so so dang long. For everything. It's definitely something to get used to! JULIA FINALLY PRAYED. I AM SO SO HAPPY!!!!!! She also said the closing prayer of our lesson and it was such an amazing prayer! I have so much love for her! I also have the best parents in the whole planet! They sent me two packages! One contained sparkling cider and candy and the other had my favorite strawberry milk and little alpaca/llama/ostrich figurines! It was the best surprise! WHERE THE HECK DID Y'ALL FIND THAT BEAUTIFUL MASTERPIECE?!?!??!

Friday: My companion and I have been trying to make our study time better by planning what we want to accomplish during the study times, in the morning. My goal before I leave the MTC is to read through the Book of Mormon entirely and I am definitely loving my personal study time! It is my most cherished time at the MTC. I am also underlining every time that there is a reference to God or Christ and it is on every single page! It's amazing! I just love learning more about them! 

Saturday: We did an activity during class where we went up to random missionaries and bore our testimonies about the Book of Mormon to everyone we could find. We ended up talking to 13 people in 20 minutes! It was really neat to be able to do that! I read more out of the Book of Mormon today! I love Mosiah 2:41!! If never-ending happiness isn't something that entices you to follow the commandments, I don't know what else will! We also read Alma 36 during our companionship study and holy moly, what an amazing chapter!!!!! Verses 19 and 20 are just amazing! 

Sunday: My district and I all sang "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" and it was so good, if i do say so myself! Sister Stubbs and I decided to join the MTC choir and it was definitely an amazing experience! I loved being a part of it! We also had Donny Osmond speak to us! If any of y'all don't know who he is, he is the voice of General Shang in Mulan and he sang "Let's Get Down To Business" How awesome!!!! 

I love the MTC and what I have learned here so far! It still hasn't sunk in that I'm a missionary, but that will eventually happen. 
Eu sei que este evangelho é um evangelho de felicidade. Eu sei que o Livro de Mórmon é verdadeiro e são as palavras de Deus. Eu sei que somos filhos de nosso Pai Celestial e ama-nos. Eu sei que Jesus Cristo e Deus vivem. Eu amo a Jesus Cristo e a Deus com tudo meu coração. 

Amo Voces!!!

Sister Restrepo
Late night strawberry milk drinking

Late Night Queso eating

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