Monday, June 5, 2017

Happy Monday everyone!

This week has been so jam packed with things!

Monday night: We were teaching Joana and the spirit was so strong in that lesson. I had to put my part of the lesson down because it just didn't feel right at that moment. I close my journal and looked right at her and told her that we love her so much and we pray for her every single time we pray. We both started crying. My heart is so full of love for her! She is such an amazing person!

Tuesday: There was a quote that was said in a video we were watching about the Gift of Tongues that has stuck with me all week. It is "Everyone speaks the universal language of the spirit." That is such an amazing quote and it is so true! No matter how broken my Portuguese may be, as long as we can invite the spirit into our lesson, we are in good hands. We also had the privilege of having someone from the Quorum of the Twelve speak to us in our devotional, Massimo De Feo. He mainly spoke about relying on the Lord in everything and that has been my mantra this whole week. There is no way that I can do this all without Him in my life.

Wednesday: We all had the opportunity to host the new missionaries coming in! I hosted 3 new missionaries, and I love them all! I'm so glad that the girls weren't balling after leaving their families, because I would not have been able to handle that at all, but we get to host this week too! (Hosting is when we all stand by the curb and get the girl's luggage’s and send them through different buildings to get their books and name tags and all that fun stuff, then to their rooms, then to their classrooms and the fun starts all over. After we hosted, we had a little time, and then we went to the new classroom building that they just finished, so we could take pictures. Those pictures will be seen by the FIRST PRESIDENCY!!!!! HOW AMAZING, RIGHT?!?! They are so gorgeous and the pictures that are all over the building are so realistic and beautiful! I want to spend all of my time here!

Thursday: Today was a little rough for me, but I asked a companionship of elders in my district to give me a priesthood blessing. They gave it to me right after dinner, it was Elder Virgin's first time ever doing it and it was the best one I have ever received. He was so in tune with what Heavenly Father needed me to hear, and I could not stop crying during the blessing. I felt so much comfort and peace just go through all of my body. We had our last lesson with Joana today and she has come such a long way! Her main concern has been praying and not receiving answers, but she opened up to us and let us know that she finally received an answer from Heavenly Father and felt His love for her! I am so happy and so proud of her! I also saw Sam Allred which was such a nice surprise!

Friday: We read a chapter out of the Book of Mormon as a class and it is such a neat experience to do it all together. I love my district (class) so much! We are all learning muito from each other! We practiced street contacting the other day! It's where you just go up to someone and try to set up an appointment with someone to teach them more about the church. It was nerve-wracking and it was just to our teacher! I'm going to be a hot mess when I need to speak to the people on the streets in Portugal! Both of our teachers are our investigators this week, so that is going to be fun. There are not enough hours in a day to prepare to lessons!!

Saturday: We read another chapter out of the Book of Mormon in class today! I love and cherish those moments! We read out of Alma 26. We read out of Ether 12 the day before and they are both such amazing chapters! We did an activity where we taught the first lesson in 3 minutes, then 2 minutes, then 1 minute, then 30 seconds. It was a great experience to see how much you can teach in that time! I love this gospel so much!

Sunday: It was fast Sunday and I bore my testimony mainly in Portuguese yesterday during sacrament meeting!!! It was so great! THE GIFT OF TONGUES IS REAL.

I loved it! We also had many devotionals and they were all so amazing! We also spoke about the Atonement during church and I loved what was being taught. The Atonement is for everyone and the light of Christ can reach anyone. No matter how far you think you have gone off the path, Christ's love and mercy can still reach you. You are loved and you are not forgotten.

About the MTC

We have exercise time everyday, so I play volleyball and I get really sweaty because it's so dang hot outside, but it is so so so fun! I am starting to get a farmers tan from it though.

The tomato basil soup is by far my favorite thing to eat here. It has only been served one day, but I love it!!

Also, If y'all would like to send me letters, there is a website called DearElder and you can type a letter and it'll be sent here to the MTC! My address is:

Sister Andrea Restrepo
2005 N 900 E Unit 70
Provo UT 84602

I love and miss you all so much!! Thank you for your continual love and support!

Sister Restrepo

My companion says "Eu Nao se" several times a day,
so we decided to tally how many times she said it in a day.

My companion's mom knows about my llama obsession,
so she tried to find llama candy and the closest thing were horses, so she sent that instead. How sweet!

My friends!!!! 

Temple Time!!

A little piece of my family

 Our new classroom building!!!!


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